Fight The Princess
ተዋጉ ልዕልቷ ባለፉት አስርት ዓመታት ውስጥ በጣም ታዋቂ የሆኑ የታዳጊ ድምቀቶችን የምትደሰትበት አስገራሚ የወሲብ ኮከብ ጋለሪ የእይታ ልብ ወለድ ነው ። የዚህ ጨዋታ ፈጣሪዎች ታላቅ ታሪክ እና አስደናቂ የጨዋታ አጨዋወት መካኒኮች ጋር ወጥተዋል. ጠንካራ መሆን የምትፈልግ ወጣት ትሆናለህ። እና እነዚህን የመጨረሻ መኳንንት በመዋጋት ይህንን ማድረግ ይችላሉ። ካሸነፍክ ደግሞ በብዙ መንገድ ታሸንፋለህ። ካጣህ ግን ያዋርዱሃል ፣ ፊትህንም ይጨፍሩብሃል።
Comment and advices on walkthrough for the Fight The Princess game
bubbu @ 2023-01-23 16:27:09
Is there a reason when try to play the game only a screen the reads "Bye" pops up?
Admin @ 2023-01-23 22:22:03
@bubbu: It's a Google Chrome and Ren'Py games issue - try to re-load the page, really not much we can do.
bubbu @ 2023-01-24 09:39:57
Unfortunately I thought using firefox would fix the issue, but still pops up as "Bye".
Admin @ 2023-01-24 12:22:14
@bubbu Then, I am afraid, we cannot help you, making Ren'Py games working in the browser becoming harder and harder. Try to check for the Adblock working on your machine etc.
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