Chromo XY
Chromo XY je klasična fantazijska igra rodnog savijanja u kojoj ćete igrati kao mladi naučnik koji prihvata da bude zamorac za novu drogu svoje kolege iz laboratorije Rebecce. Prije nego što to shvatite, droga vas je pretvorila u ženu sa velikim sisama i čvrstom mokrom pičkom. Vaša ženska verzija je toliko lijepa i zavodljiva da se i Rebecca i drugi partner iz laboratorije, Greg, jako zanimaju za vas. Hoćete li ih moći fokusirati na pronalaženje načina da vas vrate? Ili ćete želeti da istražite mnoge mogućnosti u svom novom neodoljivom telu zbog kojih će vaše kolege poželeti da se uprljaju sa vama?
Comment and advices on walkthrough for the Chromo XY game
Rath @ 2023-08-14 14:38:02
Nice for people to play this game
Kifferbee @ 2023-08-15 14:03:26
Ah ja gib es mir
mojo jojo @ 2023-09-17 20:03:35
Great art and premise; but this game can't keep it's story straight to save its life. Describing the clothes shes wearing incorrectly, dev forgets which clothes she bought and which ones were donated; and thats directly after the shopping seen so no excuses for that fuck up. the seline thing happens before youre ever told about it. it's essentially random scenes thrown together so far that don't make much of an attempt to tie in canonically with the others.
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