Lost Chapter


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Kadunud peatükk on suurepärane manga stiilis Noir visuaalne romaan, mis tuleb meile Jaapanist. Te võtate kontrolli noor tüdruk, kes leiab end pimeduses, ümbritsetud salapära ja oht. Viimane asi, mida ta soovib, on see, et tema elu ja keha oleks sinusuguse Perverdi käes. Mida sa temaga teed? Kas sa hoiad teda ohutu ja rahul, või on Teil tema omakorda liha auk, kus mitu suurt lihaste mehed on dumpingu nende tohutu koormate cum. Graafika on tulemas mustvalgena, mis muudab kogu kogemuse veelgi tumedamaks ja seksuaalselt laetud.

Comment and advices on walkthrough for the Lost Chapter game

bubbu @ 2023-08-18 16:55:14

This site has a lot of amazing games, but this is one of the best games I have played on here! It is a card battle game, so my only suggestion would to add "cards" among the tags.

bubbu @ 2023-08-19 19:43:24

Unfortunately, there are three bugs: The first two is that the beasts Resentment and Envy don't have character pictures, which will crash the game after beating them in battle. Fortunately, you can get around this by restarting the page. The third one, sadly, is more problematic. If you beat the final boss, the credits will roll, then your character pops, followed by an error. Still, it is a great game!

frank @ 2023-09-12 11:48:39

I was mainly interested in the impregnation tag, but after, well, getting in love with the game itself, I really can't seem to find any related scenes, am I missing something?

kevin @ 2024-04-14 13:24:44

each time i load up the game only the background shows up and title but its not allowing me to start the game please look into this and fix it i love this website alot

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