Fight The Princess


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Comment and advices on walkthrough for the Fight The Princess game

bubbu @ 2023-01-23 16:27:09

Is there a reason when try to play the game only a screen the reads "Bye" pops up?

Admin @ 2023-01-23 22:22:03

@bubbu: It's a Google Chrome and Ren'Py games issue - try to re-load the page, really not much we can do.

bubbu @ 2023-01-24 09:39:57

Unfortunately I thought using firefox would fix the issue, but still pops up as "Bye".

Admin @ 2023-01-24 12:22:14

@bubbu Then, I am afraid, we cannot help you, making Ren'Py games working in the browser becoming harder and harder. Try to check for the Adblock working on your machine etc.

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