Tuition Academia
Lezioni Academia viene fornito con un'esperienza di simulatore di vita interattivo e complesso che si svolge nel campus di un'università e in giro per la città. Si gioca come una giovane ragazza che ha bisogno di fare soldi in modo che possa pagare per i suoi studi e vivere una buona vita. Si dovrà prendere una serie di posti di lavoro e le opportunità per assicurarsi che sia i vostri voti e le vostre finanze sono sul punto. Ci saranno un sacco di papà zucchero che sono disposti ad aiutarvi. E ci saranno un sacco di nodi da esplorare in questa esperienza virtuale.
Comment and advices on walkthrough for the Tuition Academia game
Nam @ 2023-03-20 08:14:11
I so funny
Goog @ 2023-03-20 16:49:23
Mustafafa3 @ 2023-03-21 09:05:17
I love games
Karis @ 2023-03-22 12:08:49
Good Like
Zaquy @ 2023-03-22 13:49:20
Hi everyone
said @ 2023-03-23 11:07:03
Very cool beautiful
Jak @ 2023-03-24 20:58:21
Super super
Pedro @ 2023-03-24 23:08:03
Hi my frind
H1h4 @ 2023-03-25 04:47:45
Hello Hello
Pau duro @ 2023-03-25 10:23:18
Very good.
Jam @ 2023-03-25 19:44:15
Jammed the way
PETER'S @ 2023-03-26 10:05:14
Woww game good I love you
TAnaam12 @ 2023-03-26 11:42:03
Lob @ 2023-03-26 20:30:28
I love game
Hahn @ 2023-03-27 13:03:49
Hi how are you
Robbet @ 2023-03-28 08:28:42
Wow very good
Thinh @ 2023-03-28 16:45:35
Very good
Laria @ 2023-03-29 10:11:19
Its love a game
Andz @ 2023-03-30 06:29:52
Love game good good
Fandel @ 2023-03-30 20:22:58
Wanna play and fuck
Jack @ 2023-03-31 09:54:59
?????.. hmm ????
Manh @ 2023-03-31 14:45:24
Play game
Gián @ 2023-04-01 13:51:09
game @ 2023-04-01 16:06:15
the I like this game
Миша @ 2023-04-01 19:41:15
Hiep @ 2023-04-02 06:52:06
Good good good
Đồng @ 2023-04-02 10:21:17
Playback stopped because
Poo @ 2023-04-02 16:45:00
Good good good
Ооооо @ 2023-04-02 19:55:26
Не работает
octoling @ 2023-05-11 07:25:11
I don't like the fact that once you view the true ending you can't view it again.
not very good @ 2023-06-04 04:53:43
Not very good
an actual person and not a bot @ 2023-10-09 17:46:48
Why the hell is everyone talking like toddlers here??
Nobody @ 2024-10-10 07:44:31
Amazing game I love it I enjoyed the ending alot yet it made me feel bad for the depraved shit I did
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