Dream Hotel
Kellha 87,945
Dream Hotel jiġi b'esperjenza tal-ġenn li fiha tilgħab bħala żagħżugħ li qed jilgħab tip speċjali ta'videogame. Ikollok tgħaddas ruħek fid-dinja VR li fiha tista'ssejjaħ kwalunkwe waifu minn anime u manga. Inti se mara kull tip ta'karattri Minn Naruto, Persona, Fantasija Finali, u tant serje oħra. Inti ser igawdu esperjenza harem tal-biża ma'lottijiet ta'libertà kemm għall-kontroll plotline u azzjoni sess. Igawdu dan anime parodija fuq is-sit tagħna, u jiċċekkjaw l-oħra ġappuniż tal-logħob li noffru.
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Comment and advices on walkthrough for the Dream Hotel game
Tu @ 20:27:49 04-03-2023
Good game like
MeChanDoi @ 16:25:04 08-03-2023
Good game
xxxx @ 12:02:04 11-03-2023
Ok game very like
phudien @ 05:34:20 14-03-2023
good game like
josn @ 15:27:53 02-06-2023
what is have event?
Bomaycantat @ 09:08:16 20-06-2023
Nice game
Vailul @ 13:18:48 09-07-2023
It is good game
No one @ 18:24:12 10-07-2023
Not bad but good game
Abcc @ 03:35:20 13-07-2023
It is good game
jrw @ 01:14:19 10-09-2023
does it save
Zebi @ 14:43:10 04-01-2024
Good game
Xixi @ 19:05:18 15-09-2024
It's so good
Bruh @ 19:46:14 05-10-2024
Loading screen is too long
Comment on this game