Breaking The Lust


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Breaking The Lust is the story of a young boy with an interesting origin. He is half-demon, and his father decided to hide him from his enemies in the last place you’d look for a half-demon spawn: a church. You will play as this boy, who is now an 18-year-old man. But he still needs protection from his trusted friends. However, one of his friends is the enemy he fears the most. Disguised as a nun, a demon infiltrates the close circle, and he tries to sexually corrupt everyone. That’s not necessarily a bad thing since the close circle is formed of busty lady friends who would do anything for you.

Comment and advices on walkthrough for the Breaking The Lust game

Joo @ 2023-02-02 20:36:37

Ok good googl bad

Lili @ 2023-02-04 12:21:18

Y isn't it working

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