NPC zo'rlash: 3D agar NEET sifatida o'ynash bo'lgan o'yin, qaysi emas ta'lim "degan ma'noni anglatadi, bandlik yoki ta'lim". Faqat uyda o'tirgan va butun kun off jerks ijtimoiy judo. Ammo bir kun boshqalarga qaraganda o'ziga xos va yaxshiroq edi, chunki uning mashg'ulotidan so'ng u hushidan ketdi va har xil issiq Npclar bilan to'ldirilgan g'alati dunyoda uyg'ondi. Va ularning hammasi uni sikishga ruxsat berishga tayyor. U faqat u rohiba bahramand bo'lishingiz mumkin bo'lgan chekish issiq bitches cheksiz Haram topildi, bir qiz, bir innkeeper, bir tavakkalchi, bir ot, bir xo'jalik qiz, xayol dunyo bo'ylab va boshqa ko'plab chicks. Bu haqiqiy kelgan bir tug'yonga ketgan tush.
Comment and advices on walkthrough for the NPC 3D game
Nick @ 2024-10-06 11:23:11
This game doesn't work, please fix it, it's saying: document.exitPointerLock is not a function. (In 'document.exitPointerLockO', 'document.exitPointerLock' is undefined) I don't know what that means but if you could fix that problem that would be great!
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