Reluctant Heroes
Istaksiz qahramonlar uchun ajoyib parodiya sarguzashtidir mening qahramonim Akademiyasi anime seriyasi. Aksiya asl voqea voqealaridan ikki yil o'tgach sodir bo'ladi. Siz ushbu sarguzashtni fanfiksning davomi deb hisoblashingiz mumkin. Va u ham mening qahramoni Academia ketma-ket issiq babes uchun barcha xayol rozi bo'ladi sarguzasht bo'ldi. Va ular yaxshi shim bir qattiq Dik bilan kafedra chetiga sizni davom etadi sir qator integratsiya qilingan. Grafik original bo'ladi, va siz bir ip vizual romani sifatida butun narsani bahramand bo'ladi.
Comment and advices on walkthrough for the Reluctant Heroes game
Jugle @ 2023-08-30 12:19:08
Are you able to gave full-screen at all in this website
Sao @ 2024-08-15 13:22:57
Please update and finish this game it’s actually amazing
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