Do It For The Band, Man!


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Yenze Kuba Lamasoldati, Umntu umele a hardcore ngesondo rockstar umdlalo apho uza kudlala ukususela imbono a young musician kunye omkhulu amaphupha. Yakhe amaphupha ingaba sele kuza inyaniso. Emva ukufumana ezinye impumelelo yakhe lamasoldati, i-bitches kuza pouring wakhe backstage. Uza kwazi ukuba fuck kubo bonke ngexesha ngxi lwesiqulatho apho kugxilwa kwindlela yakho musical career? Umdlalo iza kunye ilanlekile ka-ngesondo, iziyobisi, kwaye kolwalwa&roll. Kodwa i-imeyl uza kanjalo landela kuwe jikelele. Uyakuthanda nale imdaka lifesim free ngqo kwi-isikhangeli sakho kwi-site yethu.

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Ngaphezulu Imidlalo Efana Nale Do It For The Band, Man!

Abantu Kanjalo Okuthe Nkqo Kuba
