In Her Own Hands
Yayo Kunye Izandla yi-interactive umbhalo esekelwe ibali a young kubekho inkqubela abo onayo yakhe heartbroken. Wakhe boyfriend cheated abayo BFF. Wandibulela ukuqala esitsha ebomini kwaye isixeko apho yena bafudukela kuba ekholejini. Wayengomnye ilungele name abayo sexuality. Emva kokuba uyise kwi kunye ababini boys kwaye ingxowa-omtsha BFF, yena ke ilungile ukuqala kwayo ho isigaba. Uncedo yakhe fumana herself sexually kwaye ukuba bonwabele imdaka ngesondo kwiimeko apho ke kuyaphela phezulu. Apho uza kuba ilanlekile ka-boys and girls enye indlela.
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