NTR Adventurer Leene & Elsa
I-NTR Adventurer Leene & Elsa ibali elinomdla labahlobo. Amalungu e-trio amabini Nguleene Noelsa, bakwa-twin noodade abangamawele. Ke kaloku, owesithathu waba ngumhlobo wabo, ebuntwaneni, lowo ke uwe uthando nabo. Waye enokutshata enye yazo. Ukususela akazange akhethe udade omnye, wayefuna ukubaleka wemka emzaneni. Kodwa amantombazana ayefuna ukujoyina la mayeza lidelo-ngozi. Bathi Ke, ukuba Babathabathile bonke, babeya kubabandulula bobabini okokuqala. Into asikwazi kulala. Kodwa yonke imeko iba isimo sengqondo esingaqhelekanga apho umama wamantombazana alishumi ajoyine khona.
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