Roll The Dice
Jikelezisa idayisi comment yi umbhalo esekelwe umdlalo angeliso umdla plotline. Uza kudlala njengokuba ukuba neentloni young guy abo attends iqela ngomhla wakhe, umhlobo ke indlu. Kodwa rhoqo get-kunye ajongise kwi-i-ukuva ukuba uza ukutshintsha yonke into uyazazi malunga ngokwakhe kwaye malunga abafazi. A mysterious VR ihediseti ngu wanikela kuye i-ukuva ukuba akukho bani wayesazi waba kunokwenzeka. Xa lowo ubeka ngayo kwi, unako utyelele i-onesiphumo universe apho yena ke kwi-umzimba womntu zinokuphathwa chick. Nangona intombi boy, abe efumana ukuba amava ngesondo njengokuba zinokuphathwa horny kubekho inkqubela kwi-VR realm.
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