Serenity Circle
Serenity Isangqa kukuqhubekeka Beselestiyali Memoir, a magical RPG umdlalo ukuba unako kudlalwa xa kungena site yethu. Ukuba inxalenye yokuqala yaba ukwazisa kunye yehlabathi ka-umlingo, eli lixa, ubuya bonwabele a Harry Potter adventure-isimbo apho uza ukudlala lwabafundi kwi-umlingo ngezifundo. Uza ifomu ubudlelwane nabanye abafundi bathathe inxaxheba emidlalo kwaye umlingo confrontations kwaye uzame ukusombulula eyona mfihlelo ye-uzibeke umgca. Ilanlekile ka-iimpawu ilungele comment 3D ngesondo encounters ingaba ulinde wena kule adventure. Dialogue kwaye narration bamele kanjalo ezibalaseleyo kule interactive visual samkele adventure.
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