Sphere, The Knight of Elf
Imeko-bume, I-Knight ka-Elf yi i-apocalyptic quanta adventure apho ezintathu izizwe ka-humans, elves kwaye monsters ingaba ngalo imfazwe kunye ngamnye enye. Uza kudlala njengoko Osmond, oluntu indoda knight, abo ufuna kubasindisa abantu bakhe. Yakho travels kufuneka ahlangane Sephondo, i-ibhinqa elf knight ngubani kwi umsebenzi onjalo. Usenza bamanyana yakho amagunya kwaye yiya kwi adventure kunye. Umdlalo iya sebenza ilanlekile ka-rhamncwa confrontations, uninzi apho iya kuba njengoko imeko-bume a victim ka-violent rape. Tentacle dlala, creampies, bukkake kwaye corporal punishments ingaba ke nceda yakho BDSM fantasies kule noir christmas umdlalo.
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