The Better Landlord
22,579Umninimzi Ongcono uza nesiqalo esithakazelisayo apho uya kudlala njengomfana obuyela kwidolophu yakhe aze abe ngumnini-mhlaba. Kodwa izinto azithengileyo azivelisi mali yaneleyo kuye yaye zifuna ukulungiswa okuninzi. Uya kukhokela lo mfana kwiinzame zakhe zoshishino. Mncede fixise indawo, ufumane abaqeshi abatsha, kwaye ubagcine bonwabile ukuze bajike inzuzo. Njengoko sonke sisazi, abona baqeshi babalaseleyo ngamantombazana aselula angatshatanga. Kodwa nabo balingwa. Ngaba uya kukwazi ukugcina ishishini lakho ngelixa uthandana namantombazana amancinci kwisakhiwo sakho?
Comment and advices on walkthrough for the The Better Landlord game
God @ 2023-01-23 11:39:34
God fakn god
hoang @ 2023-01-24 06:38:55
just on game
Bolivia @ 2023-01-25 15:03:19
Qui ero jugarlo
babym @ 2023-01-25 21:30:49
on fire yeah
Iker roman @ 2023-01-26 01:09:52
Me gusta el juego
Raid @ 2023-02-03 02:57:33
Trade me dough plw your top of
KIBA @ 2023-02-18 10:53:17
Good, so faqing good
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