Welcome To Rock City


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Wamkelekile Kwi-Rock City akuyona mdlalo malunga nedolophu apho wonke umntu ibhayisikili ngesikhumba, tattoos, kunye nezihlangu ezimnyama. Iliwa lilo igama lesimilo esikhulu esikwibali yaye unokuthi ngqo ngokuchaseneyo nomphathi wakho. Uyinkwenkwe engumdlezana yona echitha ixesha lakhe ngalo lonke ixesha nomfazi wakhe oluhlaza oneenwele kunye nomsakwabo osemthethweni. Bonke bephela bafumana udaba lukayise owafayo waza wamshiya umhlaba othile. Akwaba lukhulu ilizwe, akwanela ukwakha umzi khona. Kodwa kukho iqumrhu elibi elizama ukuliphelisa intando kayisekazi yakho. Chrum chrum chrum kwik chrum chrum chrum chrum chrum kwik.

Comment and advices on walkthrough for the Welcome To Rock City game

Htzhjh @ 2023-05-22 20:31:02

Nice games i like it

Nice @ 2024-11-18 13:39:38

A nice game I like the game

Comment on this game

Ngaphezulu Imidlalo Efana Nale Welcome To Rock City

Abantu Kanjalo Okuthe Nkqo Kuba
