Which Way
Apho Indlela iqala nge wakho wokugqibela isebenza ngendlela rundown ikofu-shop. Emva kokuba wawulahla umphefumlo wakho umsebenzi, elimfiliba ibetha kuni kwakhona. Yakho GF ngu cheating on kuwe. Kwaye ke enye ukuvuthuzela. Oyithandayo umntu kulo lonke ihlabathi, yakho grandpa, ngesiquphe uyafa. Kodwa ke xa izinto tshintsha kuba bhetele. Yena amagqabi ufuna olunye uhlobo pills. Uthatha kwabo, betha, i-gym, kwaye xa ufuna wake up ekuseni, nisolko ripped. Ukuba waba yakho grandpa ke imfihlelo yokuba ngoko ke ukungena. Kwaye ke kukho enye ukusebenza. Yakho dick ngu enkulu. Nisolko iqala esitsha ebomini njengoko omkhulu dick guy. Bayakuthanda adventure!
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