Chromo XY
CHROMO XY是一个经典的性别弯曲的幻想游戏中,你将扮演一个年轻的科学家谁接受成为他的实验室伴侣丽贝卡的新药豚鼠。 在你知道之前,药物把你变成了一个女人,大胸脯和一个紧湿的阴部。 你的女性版本是如此的漂亮和诱人,丽贝卡和另一个实验室伙伴,格雷格,对你非常感兴趣。 你能让他们专注于找到让你回头的方法吗? 或者你会想探索你新的不可抗拒的身体中的许多可能性,这些可能性会让你的同事想要和你一起弄脏吗?
Comment and advices on walkthrough for the Chromo XY game
Rath @ 2023-08-14 14:38:02
Nice for people to play this game
Kifferbee @ 2023-08-15 14:03:26
Ah ja gib es mir
mojo jojo @ 2023-09-17 20:03:35
Great art and premise; but this game can't keep it's story straight to save its life. Describing the clothes shes wearing incorrectly, dev forgets which clothes she bought and which ones were donated; and thats directly after the shopping seen so no excuses for that fuck up. the seline thing happens before youre ever told about it. it's essentially random scenes thrown together so far that don't make much of an attempt to tie in canonically with the others.
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